Country Pages

Overview of country-specific certification procedures

Please note that the countries listed below are only an excerpt of the countries in which I could support you.

It is important to know the basic requirements regarding the certification requirement in a target country and which market access requirements exist in a country. This page provides you with initial basic information on these points.

Due to the fact that the certification requirements in the various countries and the certification procedures differ considerably, only basic statements are made on these pages.
For specific products and target countries, a specific query may need to be made via my contact page.

This page is under construction and will only be expanded at irregular intervals.

In the EAEU countries, mandatory certification is required for many products. This is regulated by so-called technical regulations (TR’s), which are very similar to the European directives.

It is important to know that the products named in the appendices are not congruent. This means that a device, depending on what it is, falls under either 2, 3 or even more technical regulations.

The most important technical regulations for the EAC mark are listed below.

The technical rule for low-voltage devices uses the same voltage limits 50 V to 1000 V AC and 75 V to 1500 V DC as specified in the European low-voltage directive.
The products that fall under the technical rule are listed in the appendix to the document. The categories listed there are specified by customs tariff numbers.

The technical rule EMC has a list with categories in the appendix, whereby the products that fall under the technical regulation are determined.

The RoHS technical rule lists product categories in its appendix that fall under this technical rule.

The technical rule for machines also has a list of product categories in its appendix.

The technical regulations for machines also include commercial coffee machines.

The currently valid resolutions define the group of affected devices for mandatory certification.
The regulations also establish criteria for the formation of product families with a view to issuing a single certificate per product family.

The certification obligation applies to low-voltage equipment and production material for electrical installations with a voltage from 50 volts up to 1000 volts AC. Furthermore, products from 75 volts up to 1500 volts DC.
Also, individual devices with a voltage of less than 50 volts, for example, portable hand tools, LED lamps and dichroic lamps fall under this term.
In addition, it concerns equipment and apparatus of Chapters 39, 56, 59, 63, 73, 74, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95 and 96 of the Argentine Customs Tariff.
The certification requirements apply to equipment and appliances manufactured in Argentina as well as those manufactured abroad and distributed in the Argentine market.

Products affected by the regulations require certification from a certification body located in Argentina and recognized there. Depending on the product, certification is carried out by device type, with conformity mark or per production batch.

UAE national standards are issued and implemented by the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA). Like GSO standards for electrotechnical products, they are generally based on IEC standards.
Products that fall under the Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS) according to the applicable regulations must be registered with ESMA prior to sale in the UAE market. At the latest upon importation, they are tested for conformity with the applicable standards.
Not only electrotechnical products but also other following products are affected: Organic products, drinking water and energy drinks, perfume, cosmetics and other goods for personal use, tobacco products, diesel, oxo-biodegradable plastic bags and other disposable plastic items, and food contact materials.

The Saudi Product Safety Program (SALEEM), which has now been established, is now well established. SABER as an online registration portal is intended to simplify the procedure for market participants.

The previous compliance system was abolished as of Aug. 1, 2019.

The product groups covered by the online certification procedure will be successively expanded. This is done analogously to the implementation of new technical regulations, the conditions of which must be met by the imported goods covered by the regulation.

  • Electrotechnical products within certain voltage limits
  • Technical regulation for gliding electric boards (scooters).
  • Technical regulations for truck barriers.
  • Technical regulation for degradable plastic products.
  • Technical regulations for batteries and electric cells.
  • Technical regulations for paints and varnishes.

A list of goods and technical regulations already covered by the Saber scheme can be found on the SABER homepage.

Please note that the statements made on this page have been researched to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, it can happen that the information presented here is not (no longer) up to date. I apologize for this if necessary. I exclude any liability by the unchecked use of the information listed on this page!
I would be grateful for a brief reference to a concretely incorrect entry in the event of a case.

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