Overview of country-specific certification procedures
Please note that the countries listed below are only an excerpt of the countries in which I could support you.
It is important to know the basic requirements regarding the certification requirement in a target country and which market access requirements exist in a country. This page provides you with initial basic information on these points.
Due to the fact that the certification requirements in the various countries and the certification procedures differ considerably, only basic statements are made on these pages.
For specific products and target countries, a specific query may need to be made via my contact page.
This page is under construction and will only be expanded at irregular intervals.
Please note that the statements made on this page have been researched to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, it can happen that the information presented here is not (no longer) up to date. I apologize for this if necessary. I exclude any liability by the unchecked use of the information listed on this page!
I would be grateful for a brief reference to a concretely incorrect entry in the event of a case.
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