Freelancer or activity as a freelancer
About the meaning of the word “freelancer” and the activity associated with it
The English word âfreelancerâ is an English term and need no translation.
However the term âfreelancerâ has a special meaning in the German tax law because it denotes a professional group with privileged taxation.
But this has nothing to do with the actual purpose of doing the work on your own account, which is actually meant by the word freelancer. As in German language the translation has two different words alternatively used there is a nned for using the German term “freier Mitarbeiter/-in”.
The term “freier” means that the employee can freely allocate his work force when carrying out the project within the limits agreed with the client, he appears independently on the market, his prices are freely calculated and agreed with the client. It is very important that the freelancer does not only work for a single client. A period of 12 to 24 months is considered.
Just as important for the classification as a freelancer is the ability to freely decide whether the freelancer can also reject an offered project. The reasons for the rejection are irrelevant.
The term freelancer summarizes all forms of freelance work. The disciplines are very broad, with a few areas being over-proportionally represented:
- IT industry as such with a strong emphasis on software
- Project management of all kinds in the industry
- Advertising agencies
- Consultants and coaches in the management environment
In these areas I can help!
Looking at my background of previous activities, it quickly becomes clear that my strengths lie in the following areas:
- International certification
- Market access research
- Advice on normative requirements for various standards in Europe and USA / Canada as well as countries based on IEC standards
- Training regarding normative requirements
With these focal points, I am interesting for companies that want to set up projects, e.g. to market a product marketed in Europe also on the American or Canadian market.
Thereby the activity I can offer spans different levels:
- Procurement of documents and documents to support certification procedures or to make them possible in the first place
- External review and evaluation of internal documents of the client with regard to a specified scope of testing with subsequent recommendation for action with regard to the previously agreed goal to be achieved
- Design review in relation to the normative requirements
- Project collaboration in the project steps described (demarcated tasks)
- Overall project management of an internal team of the client to make a product marketable
I can perform these activities mainly in the areas listed here. But after a short period of familiarization, I can also offer you the relevant services for other standards.
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